Our relation with suppliers is built on criteria of professionalism, transparency and fair relationship, by fully respecting both the legal requirements and high ethical and moral standards. In the same manner we would also like to build relations with suppliers sharing our values and promoting equal standards with their partners they make business and stay in contact with. 

For these reasons Atlantic Grupa dedicates special attention to selection of suppliers. Besides the above stated criteria, we expect from our suppliers to act in line with the legislation valid in the country of their origin but also in the countries with which they make business with, including the anti-discriminatory laws, employment legislation, health and safety protection, as also environment protection legislation. 

Therefore we are actively looking for suppliers sharing our values and business principles, as also promoting the implementation of high standards in the environment within which they work. 

These standards first of all include:

  • Abiding by laws, including banning bribing or receiving bribes or personal premiums for making deals or realisation of cooperation
  • Respecting human rights and workers rights
  • Protection of health and personal security of their employees
  • Banning child labour
  • Prohibiting discrimination based on race, religion, sex or any other criteria as also prohibiting sexual harassment
  • Abiding by valid laws and standards of environmental protection, animal and plant species

The Atlantic Grupa purchasing organisation is determined to select suppliers and establish business cooperation only with those suppliers respecting the above stated laws and standards. These standards render the requirements of the Atlantic Grupa purchasing organisation Code of Ethics.  Monitoring over the execution and adherence to these standards by our suppliers is a demanding task, but it is the key for protecting the reputation of our company and our business, but first and foremost for the protection of our consumers using our products.